She was a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a heroin addict. I hesitated to put Julia's real story out there for fear that others might judge and not want to help me raise money for her funeral. Tonight I realized that the only one judging here is me. Julia died of an overdose while waiting for a bed in a rehab, she wanted help and was desperately seeking it. One of the sad truths of life is that sometimes the thing we seek, the thing we want the most is the one thing we can't find and the "monsters" we've let gain control of our lives come out the winners. There are those out there that might say she's better off, one less drug addict in the world….all I know is there is one less beautiful person in my world.
Julia popped into my life for the briefest of moments and 10 minutes after I met her I felt like I had known her forever. Julia loved music, sparkly things, and the Denver Broncos. She was stubborn, funny, and everyone noticed when she walked in the room. Julia's favorite thing in the world was her two daughters, who she just prayed would grow up safe and someday forgive her for the mess she had made in this life. I hope those prayers are answered and they know how much she loved them. Julia had one older brother, one younger brother and a little sister, she talked about them all the time and told stories about their life growing up. When she told those stories she usually ended up in tears because her younger brother Ryan had just been killed in a shooting accident, and they weren't speaking when he died. One day when she was having a particularly bad day Julia told me about a dream that she had of Ryan after he had passed and he told her that he loved her and that everything would be ok. She asked me what I thought of her dream and I told her "I think Ryan came to see you in your dreams". She said "yeah, me too."
Julia's hero was her dad, Mark. He is a friend of mine and one of the most caring people that I have ever met. He'd give you the shirt off his back even if he didn't know you, all he would need to know is that you needed it. Mark was a single dad and raised his three oldest children on his own. Julia told me stories of how he defended them, protected them, and struggled sometimes with the task of raising 3 kids on his own. I swear the way she talked about him she could have convinced you that he was superman. There was no question how much Julia loved her dad. There's just something about daughters and their dads…..I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a child in any kind of a tragedy, all I have to go by is how my parents handled it when we lost my brother….not good doesn't even begin to describe it. Even worse than that how do you handle it when 30 days later you lose another child? I'm not sure how you get out of bed in the morning let alone function, and yet Mark has called to see if I'm ok…..I know that he's on autopilot just trying to get through, but honestly how do you do that?
Those of you who know me best know my own families battle with heroin addiction. By the grace of God, my daughter is still alive, while others die every day waiting for help that's never coming. We have a system that's very broken when it comes to helping someone overcome addiction. We live in a world that would rather put someone in prison than help them …..after all it is a war that we are fighting. The war on drugs leads us to believe that those who get caught up in using are our enemies, that somehow they are undeserving of our love. We tell them when you're clean then everything will be alright, that when you are clean I will love you and be there for you. The saddest part is that the only thing that will ever save anyone is love. That complete and total unconditional I will love you today, tomorrow and forever no matter what you do or who your addiction leads you to become. That's the only thing they need, but isn't that really the only thing that any of us need, just to be loved for who we are right now in this moment….scars, track marks and everything in-between?
If you are compelled please click on the link below and help me help my friend put his daughter to rest the way that she deserves. Mark would never ask or let anyone know that this is a struggle, so I am reaching out for him. I know that I have a group of the most compassionate friends and with your help we can give back to someone who is always giving to others.
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