Sixteen years this March I will have been in this house. That’s a long time for a girl that truly does have the heart of a gypsy. I have wished and longed, and dreamed for adventure to take me somewhere else. My children however needed me to stay closer to a place they could call home and this is where we found it, our little house on the corner in Phoenix Arizona.
I just found out this morning that my house is being sold. I knew already that my time to move on had a long time ago come and gone and plans were in the works for me to move this year anyway. Still as I look around at the place where I raised not only my children, but myself I can’t help but mourn a little for the closing of a chapter. At the turn of every corner are so many memories, good or bad, really doesn’t matter, our lives, our stories have unfolded here. What happens from here on out is only another part of our stories. Still looking up at my window at the “stained glass” stickers Alyssa made for me as a little girl, that long ago baked onto the glass, the tears can’t help but come.
I know deep down that everything really does have a greater higher purpose and really this is only the universe taking my excuses away. I know that my life, my destiny really doesn’t reside within these walls. I know that I am more than this house or this life that I have led here. Change after all eventually comes for all of us and I will embrace it with all of the necessary tears, laughter, sadness and celebration that it deserves. We will take the rest of our journey here one day at a time, one moment at a time, one breath at a time in that house where me and my girls grew up.
Thanks for sharing Jeannie! I have a video on my YouTube channel called "Fear of Change" if you'd like to tap out an aspect of your move, I filmed it because I had just gone through a HUGE move as well! Good luck on your big change, it's definitely an adventure!!! <3
Posted by: Nathan Martin EFT | 01/09/2012 at 08:03 AM