When you stepped out on the edge today, what did it feel like when you asked yourself “what would life be like, if only I could FLY?” Was there a voice from within that said that it’s not possible? Did that voice from deep inside scream out you could, if only your wings weren’t broken? Did you hear that broken record in your head repeating all of the what if’s that keep you grounded in your pain?
So many people lately seem to be having such a hard time, seem to be giving up. Closing their eyes to all the beauty that surrounds them, because they have forgotten the beauty that dwells within them. We forget sometimes that our true power lies within us. The power to choose the life we live, the power to make tomorrow different than today, the power to rise above our self proclaimed limitations and make our world anything we want it to be. If only ….we could FLY.
In Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert says “God dwells within us, as us. So tomorrow when you step out on the edge….remember nothing’s broken only bruised. The what if’s, the fear, it’s just an illusion of our own making. You are already perfect in everyway, life is perfect in every way. Our bad days are here to teach us something that we have yet to learn and our good days are here to teach us to appreciate the lessons. There is no mountain that you can’t conquer….if only you would F.L.Y.
F.L.Y. = First Love Yourself
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