“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.” ~ Tecumseh (Shawnee Native American Leader)
Gratitude….a small word that speaks volumes about the person that you are, and why you are where you are in life. I meet them all the time…the complainers, nothing in their life ever goes right, they never get what they want and yet many times I find myself thinking, “how could someone who has so much believe they have so little.” As a society we have been taught to always want more, more, more and somewhere in there we have lost sight of the blessings in our lives…just as they are, nothing more required. I am finding that as I am letting go of things, the desire for more things is disappearing and a sense of overwhelming gratitude for all of the things that I do have in my life is taking over. Life is getting simpler, less complicated and I’m finding myself a whole lot more free.
“It is quite possible to leave your home for a walk in the early morning air and return a different person - beguiled, enchanted.” ~ Mary Ellen Chase
If you knew that you had the ability to change your whole world around in just a matter of moments …would you? Or would you continue to see the things that are missing in your world and be blind to all of those things that you have which are truly the only ones that are important in the first place? If you could choose a brand new life in a moments notice…to literally as the quote above says, take a walk and come back a different person, would you take the walk? Or would you continue to sit on the front porch and watch as you continue to stay stuck in the same life full of lack and unhappiness that you have been living in? Know that no matter which life you decide on it’s your choice…it always has been. If I walk in gratitude today for my blessings or if I wander around in want for the things that I don’t have or wish were different…It’s all my choice.
Life has seemed a little harder lately with so many changes hitting me all at once. While I am normally grateful for my life and all of my blessings in it sometimes during the challenging times we forget to be grateful for those as well. Nothing is really bad, I need the lessons that I am learning, I need all of the changes, and the challenges so I can continue to grow into the person I am becoming. No challenge is ever permanent and when we forget to look at all of the amazing things that are happening around us as a result then we miss them all together. Makes me wonder what great things I’ve missed out on in my life when I have been so caught up in the details of life’s challenges. It reminds me of the old saying “can’t see the forest for the trees.”
No matter where we are in life, there is nothing so wrong that we can’t find something to be grateful for. I am finding that those are the times that we probably have more to be grateful for than any other time. When things are going great it’s easy to have gratitude, but that almost seems to come from a superficial place. It’s being grateful during the difficult times that the world finds out who you truly are. No matter where you are right now in your life I invite you to take that walk with me and remember two of the most powerful words there are for changing your life are simply…… Thank you….
Perfect! It's all in the perspective, one of my favorite words! Thanks for sharing a wonderful reminder!
Namaste ~ Madison
Posted by: Madison | 07/25/2012 at 02:38 PM
Thank you so much Madison. I'm glad you liked.
Posted by: Jeannie | 08/02/2012 at 11:03 AM